[SIS] Add the ability to Sync/Unsync items by Due Date

Right now, the ability to Sync and Unsync assignments is done one by one. While this is beneficial in many ways, it does create a time sink around the end of a grading period/quarter. Every time we start a new grading period, the sync with Powerschool stops sending grades. When looking at the Sync Log, it gives in error that indicates that grades from a prior grading period are being sent. I suspect the sync starts at the top of the list, so as soon as it runs into assignments from the prior Grading Period, it stops the sync entirely. When every assignment from the prior grading period are manually unsynced, the error disappears and grades are then properly sent to Powerschool. Past discussions about only syncing by grading period have indicated that there is not an easy way to query by grading period in the API: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Allow-Grade-Sync-by-Grading-Period/idi-p/42642...
My thought was to create an option on the Sync page, on the Utilities tab. The option would give users the ability to set a date or date range, then either Sync or Unsync every graded item with a due date that falls within that range (a simple checkbox for Sync or Unsync). Since the due date is set on the Canvas side, this gets around the "Sync by Grading Period" issue mentioned in a prior post. This would also create a less time consuming way to unsync a bunch of assignments so that the Sync to PowerSchool does not provide the error mentioned above.