[Scheduler] - Edit Appointments / Sign ups

Our instructors would like to be able to edit appointments in the scheduler instead of having to delete and recreate them.  If a student has already signed up for an appointment and it has been modified, it should notify the student and request an approval for the new time.


Instructors would also like to edit the sign up list.  They want to be able to add or remove course participants from the appointment.


There are a number of situations in which this capability would be useful.

- An instructor that has accidentally created a number of appointments and needs to change them.

- A group reschedules with the instructor, it would be easier to just modify the appointment than create a new one and have them sign up again.

- A student cancels an appointment but doesn't remove themselves from the calendar.

- The instructor needs to assign students to an appointment block. (Maybe they didn't sign up yet, but the instructor wants to lock them in)

Added to Theme

Community Novice

If I missed this comment/suggestion, I apologize.  I would like to be able to see in one place who hasn't signed up for a Scheduler event.  I knew 42 of my 46 students hadn't signed up, and looked at every appointment to figure out who hadn't.  Is this a feature already?  Could it be?  Thank you!

Community Champion

 @schloskm ​​, you can use Message Students Who... in a Scheduler appointment group's gear menu to see non-signed-up student names. Doing this pops up a pre-addressed message box showing every name; it's not necessary to send this message unless you have something you want to tell those students!  By switching to Users who have already signed up, you'll see those names instead in the message box.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I can definitely see how this feature would be useful! I don't foresee us prioritizing work for the Scheduler within the next 6 months. I will archive this idea for now, but feel free to add additional comments in the mean time.

Community Member

For those of us in classes that have regular presentations like speech and drama, it would be helpful to have a place to schedule the presentations during class time, determine an order, and make that information available for everyone.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Champion

One of the missing features is that a teacher cannot use the usual Scheduler graphical user interface (GUI) to add a student to a timeslot in the schedule.  To address this I made a simple program make_appointment.pyPreview the documentView in a new window that can be used to add a student to a given appointment time slot. The interface is:

./make_appointment.py calendar_event_id participant_id [comment]

where the comment string is optional. If this is not provided, then the comment will be: "appointment made by instructor"

See https://kth.instructure.com/courses/11/pages/making-an-appointment

A negative feature of the above program is that you have to know the calendard_event_id and the student's ID (i.e., the participant_id). It should be possible to use the calendar appointment group and the login_id of the student, but this is a program for another day.

Community Champion

The ability to add a list of students to appointments is described (along with a program to do this) at Adding a list of appointments to an appointment group: Chip sandbox

Additionally, an improved program for making appointments is available Making an appointment: Chip sandbox

Community Novice

This would be an excellent new feature. I am using this appointment group function as a work around for the inability to create groups of one to organize student presentations. Any changes to the schedule can have an effect on the presentation schedule and deleting the whole appointment group and then asking students to sign up again is confusing and burdensome. I should at least be able to delete appointment dates within a group.

As it stands, Canvas offers no simple way to organize student presentations if those presentation are done by single students. 

Community Member

I worked around by making individual time slots available for each presentation day rather than as a group. We sometimes ended up with gaps or breaks in the presentation day but students could broadly manage themselves and every open slot.

Ansley Valentine, Associate Professor Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

Indiana University

275 North Jordan Ave, A300

Bloomington, IN 47405-1101

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 6.

Community Novice

It's unheard of to create a schedule feature that is not editable.  It's make or break regarding its usefulness.