Set "mute" as a default for assignments

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

The teachers at the Sequoia Union High School District would like to request that the "mute" feature be offered as a default setting for assignments.  Right now, teachers have to individually mute each assignment; however, we would like an option in the grade book settings to choose "mute" as a default on all assignments when we publish them.  

Thank you. 

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the .

Community Coach
Community Coach

kredmon, greetings! I checked and the closest idea I could find to this is -" modif... - which isn't exactly what you are wanting. Something you can do now is to mute all assignments from one page, which is one of the options available for this #canvancement -‌.

Hope this helps!

Community Explorer

Thanks Kona,

This is an option for now. Hopefully we can get more traction on my idea to

implement a new update!

Community Champion

Edited 12/2/2018:

Hi kredmon, this idea gets my vote! Many of the business schools using Canvas have suggested this before; here's a link to a previous long-running feature idea with some great discussion:

Also, you may be interested in part of a recorded InstructureCon 2016 session, , in which the awesome Gradebook product manager talks about a Post Policies feature that -- to me -- might provide a different way to have the effect of a Muted default.

Community Novice

The course development process could be made much easier for instructors if there were an option to Mute and Un-Mute All graded assessments within that course. They could develop the course, adding assignments, quizzes, discussions etc. and then click a single button to Mute all of the graded assessments instead of having to do them one by one. On the flip side, if a instructor has a lot of assessments (weekly readings with weekly assignments, discussions and quizzes pertaining to the readings, plus exams) it would make it very easy at the end of the semester / term to click a button to Un-Mute All Assessments and feel confident knowing that they could not have missed one of them on accident.


Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-07-13) .

Community Team
Community Team

kredmon Thank You  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @kona  Thank You ,  @RobDitto  Thank You ,  @joshua-stuart  Thank You  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of Canvas!

Community Contributor

Bring this back please!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @vrichter , the ability to "mute" all assignments by default did not exist in the old gradebook. This idea was marked complete upon the release of Grade Posting Policies, which allows the instructor to set a global grade posting policy: 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed