Sharing Videos in Canvas Studio

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Please make it easier for students to share a video in Canvas Studio. Currently, students have to follow several steps: type the name of the person they want to share with, click their picture, click Add, click Update, etc. Although I gave my students written step-by-step instructions AND a screen capture showing exactly which buttons to press, many of my students were unable to share their video with me. This process used to be easier, but for some reason, it has become more difficult. I appreciate your simplifying this process so that our students can focus on their studies instead of on technology frustrations.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Moderating


Thanks for sharing this idea. The process for sharing Studio videos is outlined in   How do I share media with a user in Canvas Studio? . Would you please review the lesson and identify what specific pain point(s) students are encountering?

Community Explorer

Hi, @Stef_retired! Thanks for your response. The students forgot to click "Add." They clicked "Done" after selecting my name and thought that I would receive their video even though I gave them written instructions and a screen capture, both of which highlighted the "Add" step.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for your response! Since "Add" seems to be the sticking point for your students, how would you suggest we change the functionality for that part of the sharing process?

Community Explorer

@Stef_retired, I would like to suggest just one button to accomplish sharing the video. Either "Add" or "Done" but not both.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for working with us on this! We'll move this idea forward for broader discussion.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Explorer

Thank you very much, @Stef_retired!


Hi @pas25217 ,

I wanted to provide you with some good news about your concern - we've been aware that the current sharing flow requires some sort of a double confirmation with clicking 'Add' and 'Update' both. We also checked the sharing flows from other products (e.g. Google Drive) and worked out a simplified way to share which we eventually delivered yesterday! This little change is part of a much bigger feature coming in a few weeks about sharing to custom groups.

We would be thrilled to hear your feedback on the current solution, hopefully students will find it easier and more natural to share content!

Take care,



Community Explorer

Thank you, @AkosFarago! I will definitely give you feedback when my students try out the new feature at the end of the semester.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Complete
Comments from Instructure

The process for sharing media to individual users and revoking access has been simplified. For more information, please read through the  Studio Release Notes (2021-09-27).