[SpeedGrader] Warning for Incomplete Rubric grading
We have been having an issue whereby grading staff are failing to fully complete rubrics when grading work in SpeedGrader. Because the rubric is often applied with the setting 'Use this rubric for assignment grading turned on' an incomplete rubric has a dramatic effect on the students grade for the assignment.
What we would like to see is a Warning appear when the grader hit's Save on the rubric (when the total score copies from the rubric into the assignment grade). The warning should read that the rubric grading is incomplete and whether user wishes to Save or continue editing.
Screenshot showing the rubric tool in the SpeedGrader which has been saved in an incompleted state
I think the problem is exacerbated by the move away away from on-campus exams, where graders are using the rubric to generate an exact grade for things like multipart scanned exam scripts, also where submissions are anonymised and a grader has a large number of scripts it can be like a needle in a haystack to identify problems. We have tried looking at the API, but the solution there seems very unwieldy for what is required.
I would welcome the thoughts of other Canvas users, and if you support the idea please log-in to this system and click on the five stars above to vote on this idea. You can also speak to your administrative team about raising with your CSM at Instructure which can also apparently help.
Many thanks, Will
I note that Belen reported the same issue (does not appear to have a feature request): https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/Incomplete-rubrics/td-p/492841
And a related Idea Conversation to implement autosaving of the rubric: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Auto-Save-Rubrics-or-Give-Save-Warning/idi-p/3...