[Speedgrader] Mark incorrect answers red (at top)

At the top of Speedgrader, it's easy to see what answers have not yet been corrected. However, if a student wants to see what he or she got WRONG, it's a slow scroll down the page, especially if they got only a couple wrong on of a large test.


I am suggesting that at the top of the page, you add a visual aid: red boxes (perhaps with an X through it) for questions that are incorrect. This would also be helpful if we wanted to give partial credit for something which may have been marked incorrect.


128005_Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 8.21.19 PM.pngScreen Shot 2015-11-10 at 8.21.19 PM.png

Community Contributor

For me, it's the fill-in-the-blank and multiple-fill-in-the-blank that I'd need to see highlighted when the computer marks them wrong (gives them a red "incorrect" flag and zero points for that answer).

Multiple choice & matching grade themselves. Essay questions and file uploads always need me to look at them. But the fill-in-the-blank questions only need me to look at them when the computer thinks they are wrong. If the computer thinks they are right, they are right. But sometimes students give answers that are also right (that the computer doesn't recognize for some reason) or that are partly right, and for those, I need to view the answers and adjust the score.

It's a huge time-waster to have to scroll through all the fill-in-the-blank questions just to find the few that have been marked wrong. If I could navigate straight to the wrong answers, that would be great.

Community Champion

I agree Beth!

I always hand-correct my FIB items, and have gotten very fast at doing so, but would great appreciate being able to navigate directly to each one marked incorrect. Might also be handy if the question number bar floated as you went down, or if you had the ability to click "Next" or "Previous" as you did your hand-grading.


Community Champion

 @James ​, fill ins or multiple fill ins, especially. I just read Beth's explanation and agree 100%, so no need to restate what has already been said perfectly.

I would be good with *ALL* incorrect being flagged, though.

I am a Spanish teacher. Sometimes, the students want to go through their tests and see what they got wrong (but we don't want them to see it on their end, to avoid future instances of plagiarism). Since there is no way to implement partial credit for predictable wrong answers, sometimes I myself want to go through and see their errors. If there are 100 questions and they only got a few wrong, that means scrolling and scrolling until I get to the incorrect one(s).

You have no idea of how easy this would make things.

Community Champion

 @cwendt ​,  @Beth_Young ​

If either of you have a chance and are using user scripts through Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome/Safari), can you take a look at the Highlight Short Answer user script I whipped up tonight and see if it meets your needs.  I know with the end of the semester, you may not have papers that actually need graded, but perhaps you still have access to some quizzes that you could check it with.

It highlights the number at the top in the navigation link with a dark red (configurable by editing the source code) for any fill in the blank or multiple fill in the blank questions that is missing the "correct" class that Canvas assigns when the item is correct.

It does not remove the highlighting once you play around with the point totals like Canvas does when you grade an essay or file upload. I wasn't sure how to implement that in a meaningful way.

If it's going to work, I'll try to get a blog written up announcing it.

Community Contributor

 @James ​ sorry for the delay; I have to figure out how to use Tampermonkey but when I do I'm giving your script a try. Thank you for developing something. I'll let you know how it works when I figure out how to use it. Smiley Happy

Community Champion

Thanks,  @Beth_Young ​

Community Coach
Community Coach

I went ahead and tested the script this morning and here's how it showed up/worked for me:


I'll admit that I don't normally use short answer questions because I find them painful to grade. Having this script might make me try them again. It was easy to download/install and worked exactly as advertised. Any INCORRECT fill-in-the-blank questions were highlighted in red on the "Grade by question" line. If the student got a fill-in-the-blank question correct then it didn't show up on the line, which is fine with me because I'd only want to skip down to the ones that I needed to double-check.

Yay! I'm not sure about everyone else, but to me this definitely seems blog/document worthy! Smiley Happy

Community Contributor

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get the script to work. I had no trouble installing tampermonkey and installing the script, but I can't get it to work on my site (i.e., nothing is highlighted in red).  I can't figure out if the problem is my include statement or if it just can't work.

An example URL:  https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1200229/gradebook/speed_grader?assignment_id=4581138#%7B%22studen...

Some of the include statements I have tried:

// @include     https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/*/gradebook/speed_grader?*

// @include     https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1200229/gradebook/*

// @include     /^https://webcourses\.ucf\.edu/(courses/[0-9]+)?/quizzes/.*$/

I asked my tech support people for suggestions, and they suggested the last include statement (above), which didn't work. They also said, "Webcourses has been adjusted for quiz CSS/JS in order to add ProctorHub to the system, so programs or scripts like these may not work."

Is there anything else I can try, or do I just have to accept that this script will not work for me?

Community Champion

 @Beth_Young ​,

Line 5 is currently

// @include https://*.instructure.com/courses/*/quizzes/*/history?*

Try changing it to

// @include https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/*/quizzes/*/history?*

The material that is loaded on the page is actually part of an iframe that comes from the history page. If you load it off the SpeedGrader page, it will attempt to fire before the content is loaded.

I doubt your institution has modified the URL returned within the iframe, but if so, that's what you would have to find and use.

I default all of my includes to work on *.instructure.com so that they work for most people. But if you're using a custom URL, then you will need to modify it for your site.

Community Contributor

It works!  YAAAAY!  THANK YOU! 

 @cwendt ​  This does what we wanted. Give it a try! Smiley Happy