[Student Grades] Monitor student grades in all courses

Our teachers and student support managers, who keep track of a student's progress across all courses, have an overwhelming need to view all students grades even though they are not one of their teachers. We would love a summary view of student's grades just like students and parents can see when they click on Grades from the Global Navigation. Currently, our staff have to go to each course to see a student's grade in that course, which is far from efficient. We would like for staff to simply be able to click on the student's name and see their progress in all courses they are enrolled in.

I am aware that Dropout Detective provides this functionality, but we do not need the extra features it provides.


Note: This was previously requested in the old community.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Not sure how K-12 works (or if you're K-12 or higher-ed), but every FERPA presentation/webinar I've ever attended, plus our Registrar, have always said grades are protected information under FERPA and should not be accessible except where a person's position requires it.  We specifically tell our faculty members here that they cannot discuss a particular student's grades with other faculty members.  There are specific cases where a faculty may be acting as a department chair or advisor, where looking at grades across courses is part of the position, but for just a general faculty or lecturer position, that wouldn't be the case here at all.

For academic improvement, we do have an advising team that would step in to help the student if they are in need, and may reach out to faculty, but wouldn't actually be sharing specific grade info with anyone.

Regardless of FERPA, I can see scenarios where this could be completely beneficial, but also scenarios where this info could easily be misused and cause a bias for or against a student.  This would really need a permission (independent of any other permissions) so each school can make their own decision about the correct path within their rules.  I don't think an LMS vendor should be making a decision like that and forcing it on all of their customers (and this is two way, they shouldn't turn this request for those that want it but also shouldn't make it mandatory for those who may not want it, for legal, policy or any other reasons).

Community Champion

We are currently developing an LTI that would accomplish this. I'll try to update this post as we progress through it.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @sbeck1 ‌, thank you for your offer to keep us updated on what your school comes up with! Along with that, have you seen some of the solutions suggested here for this - Viewing student grades for all courses? Depending on what your school wants DropoutDetective is great because it provides more than just grades for all students. Yet, if you just want grades then what James did works great and I've been using it for a while with no problems!

Community Participant

We need a free solution!


 @ajuelmen ‌ -- Dropout Detective isn't free (good software requires investment to build, improve and maintain) but we deliver good value for our price.  https://community.canvaslms.com/community/answers/partners-platform/aspiredu?sr=search&searchId=23b1... got to be an Alliance Partner by deliver great stuff at a great price.  If you are interested in learning more, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.  Thanks!

Community Novice

Has there been any further development on this suggestion.  In blackboard we were able to create program shells and view all student grades across all courses (subjects).  These could be printed out as reports as well.  This really is a must in a portal such as canvas.  I was surprised to find it not there.  Please Canvas.

Community Coach
Community Coach

In HE it would be nice if there was an Advisor role  (similar to the parent Observer role but more of a one observing many) who could Observe the students who are assigned to them (including grades). 

With hopefully access to student Access Reports and Student Analytics.

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.


Susan - This functionality is available in our Dropout Detective analytics.  We're down the road in Tampa, if you'd like to talk.

Community Novice

Chris, we are aware that we can do this, among many other things, by paying

for an add-on service called 'Dropout Detective.' In fact, we've been aware

of it for years now. What we are asking is, why can't some kind of very

basic functionality along these lines (ie, a teacher, school admin, or

counselor being able to see ALL students' grades in their institution) be

made part of the in-built suite of Canvas capabilities?

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 11:00 AM, chris@aspiredu.com <instructure@jiveon.com>