[Studio] Need Basic Analytics on Canvas Studio Videos with Public Links

Problem statement:

Hello, As instructional designers, some of the instructional videos we create, using Studio, should be available to all faculty at our institution. Hence, we need to put them at the "Public Link" level. The issue is that the Public link does not give us any analytics and we would really need data for reporting and decision making purposes.

Proposed solution:

Any analytics on the "Public" Studio videos would be appreciated. We are looking for some overall data, such as how many people have watched a video, when, and how many times. Thank you! Farah

User role(s):


Added to Theme

Additional enhancements for Studio Theme Status: Identified

1 Comment
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Hi @Farahlk ,

Thank you for submitting this idea. We are planning to tackle this when we next time work with Studio viewership insights so I added it under the Additional functionality enhancements for Studio idea them. I'll reach out for more details when we begin the discovery process.

