[Theme Editor] Dark Theme/Dark Mode for Canvas

Hello all! I am a student, and I am here to suggest an idea that I thought would make Canvas more personalized. I think a dark theme would be great for Canvas since some students like to stay up at night (not me), and the bright white light from Canvas can hurt their eyes. The main reason why I want it is because it would look better on my computer. Youtube and Google have these options, why not Canvas? Thank you for reading!


  Comments from Instructure

While we are not able to announce that this idea has been completed, it is important to celebrate that Dark Mode has been added to Canvas Student, Canvas Teacher, and Canvas Parent. (2022-07-05)

Community Member

Canvas should have a dark mode, especially to help people like me who are sensitive to bright lights. Dark mode would help conserve energy as well as provide comfort to eyes that cant handle the brightness of a white screen

Community Member

I believe there should be a dark mode on Canvas because students don't need a BRIGHT screen, that could damage their eye's, for me I'm a student at Riverview and when ever i am on Canvas my eyes start to hurt! So please put a dark mode on Canvas! Thank you!

Community Member
Community Member

I so agree on that cause whenever i get on to canvas it hurts my eyes, im also a student so i know how you feel!

Community Novice

As a student with some photosensitivity issues, I think that having a "dark mode" for the canvas dashboard and whatnot would be invaluable. It would help reduce eye strain, and would absolutely help with focus and ease of continued use. Beyond that, dark modes on various devices have been shown to help improve battery life, and reduces burn in if a screen is left up for prolonged periods of time.

Community Novice

I would love a dark mode option for canvas and similar apps. I find myself logging into canvas just to be blinded by the bright white, I would like there to be an option to replace the white background with a dark grey background or maybe even a custom background so that way the application feels more personalized and there fore more comfortable to the user. 

Community Novice

I think that a dark mode would be great for Canvas. I know a lot of people, me included, who love dark themed rather than light themed. I just think that a dark mode setting would be really nice. The dark mode also is better to use at night. This is why I think there should be a dark mode.

Community Novice

Canvas should add an option for dark mode.

Community Member

Yes, dark mode please. I have frequent migraines and can't just stop working. Dark mode makes it at least tolerable.

Community Member

This has been open since 2018...


How is this still "open for discussion"