[To Do] Have Observer Calendar/To Do Match Student's


Parents in a K-12 environment (Observers) want their calendars and time management tools to match their students' calendar and other time management tools, such as the To Do and Coming Up blocks.


In order to better track what students have completed and still have to do, we propose these changes to the Observer's time management tools:

  • Items on the Observer calendar "cross off" when the student they are observing submits the lesson
  • The checkmark beside a lesson turn green in the To Do/Coming Up blocks upon student submission
Community Participant

@alioxman Honestly, the best way to get this on their radar is to get the votes behind this to reflect how much this is needed. ATM, we only have 11 votes on this feature but over 40 comments. If you can reach out to the people at your school and others to vote this up it would definitely reach the devs at Instructure. To vote the parents/teacher/admins just need to go to: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Have-Observer-Calendar-To-Do-Match-Student-s/i... and click 5 stars at the top of the page. Once we get to 400 votes + we will have leverage to demand what we need. I know this is not the answer you want but it is the only route we have available to us ATM. The bad part about this is that the tool is now being marketed to K-12 without providing all tools to make it functional for K-12. So, get out the vote please 

Community Member

This would be an extraordinarily useful tool for parents to have.

Community Member

Would be fantastic to have parents be able to see assignments crossed out in calendar view as students do. 

Community Member

Can this be revisited? Needing 100 (or even crazier 400+) votes to apply a helpful and reasonable tool sounds a little crazy to me. Most people/parents/observers, don't even know this forum is available. Having the observer calendar to reflect submitted assignments would be very useful (and seems to be common sense for a platform like this) rather than us having to go into our students personal account to see what assignments have been submitted. If that's what we have to do, then the observer platform seems useless. Thank you! 

Community Explorer

Indeed - I've started to get more and more notes about this as parents check on their students' work more regularly. 

Community Member

Please ensure that this updated feature of the observer account gets actioned asap.

Our observers feel that their account is not comprehensive enough and so are constantly logging in as the student and skewing the data for their course participation. 

Community Explorer

This would be an excellent addition that a number of my parents have asked for.

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