Use Rich-Text Editor in Instructor Comments on Quiz Answers

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas  Learn more about voting...
  Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015  Learn more about voting...



This is one branch of the larger, 'Rich Content Editor everywhere' Movement.


The original feature discussion:

Use Rich-Text Editor in Instructor Comments on Quiz Answers : Help Center


  Response from Instructure:

This feature is complete.  Find more information here:

Canvas Studio: Question Feedback RTE

Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-05-16)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This is in beta now -- Canvas Beta Release Notes (2015-05-04) -- and per Deactivated user if all goes well in beta it will go into production on 5/16/2015. Huzzah!

You should be able to check it out in your own beta instance ( now. I just did, and it is exactly what I'd hoped it to be. :smileygrin:

Community Champion

I have been in long conversations with both Canvas Support and Respondus Support about images not publishing over to a Canvas course. The images are there when I preview the file in Respondus, but once I publish to Canvas, it is gone. All I see is the little broken box icon showing where the image *should* have been.

Both Canvas Support and Respondus Support suggested a work-around process that is a bit confusing and quite a few steps, but I tried it and it works. I would be more than happy to share it if someone would like to see it.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello all,

This feature idea has been completed and is outlined in our production release notes, here:

Community Champion

Woo Hoo! - Awesome!

Community Champion

This is great news Jordan! I have a little Canvas HTML hack I would love to try in Quiz answers.


embedded audio player in each answer?  Loved that in ANGEL....

Community Champion

Okay - - I just read the Production Release Notes, and I'm thinking this is not what I was hoping..... It says, "Quiz question answer comments include the Rich Content Editor. Instructors can post images, format text, and perform other Rich Content Editor functionality in correct answer comments, wrong answer comments, and general answer comments."

If I'm reading this correctly, the RCE will be available for the right/wrong/general comments (feedback comments), correct? But not the quiz answers themselves?

I help a lot of instructors who would like to use images, or bold/italicize text, or use other options in the quiz answers, and without the RCE they are not able to do that. For example, some of our IT instructors would like to be able to use Matching questions, where students would match an icon with a term. Right now this is not possible. So if the RCE is only going to be available in the answers comments fields, and not the quiz answers themselves, this doesn't help me.... 😞

I'm hoping the RCE will eventually be made available in the quiz answers, for ALL question types, and sometime soon.

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @ejackson ​...

Quiz answers do have the RCE.  If you take a look at this screen shot, you'll see there is a pencil icon at the top right corner of each possible quiz answer choice.  That's where you can go edit the text with bolding, italics, color, etc.


Community Champion

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant to say that the RCE does not show up for ALL types of Quiz questions, such as Multiple Dropdown or Matching questions.

Not to many of my faculty use the Multiple Dropdown question type, but I have quite a few who used to use the Matching type and would have images to match up with a term (or definition of the image) when we were with WebCT, and then with Angel. However, since we made the switch to Canvas, they are no longer able to do that, and it's caused some grumbling - - and not only from the faculty, but some from myself as well.....

So, sorry for any confusion. I apparently didn't make myself clear. I'm blaming the rainy weather and sinus headache. 😉

Community Coach
Community Coach

Oh, ok.  Yeah, I wasn't able to find the RCE option for those two types of questions.  I tried searching for existing Feature Ideas for those, but I couldn't find anything.  Might be worth creating a couple Feature Ideas (one for each question type) here: Canvas Feature Ideas.

EDIT: After doing a bit of searching, I found this: Matching quizzes with images.  Would this help you?