Canvas Ideas

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1677 Ideas in: Open

If something is visible from the Admin Tab, we should be able to disable it from Permissions.    Currently if you create an Admin role called Advisor, and give that role No Permissions, the Advisors s...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

We had a request to have the calendar items on the Canvas course calendar to be sorted Alphabetically as an alternative way to sort and view items (quizzes, assignments, et). 

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

It would help promote discussion if replies could go deeper than one level. 

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

It would be nice to be able to extend the typing box, like in regular Canvas, instead of just working in a tiny little box where it is difficult to review what was previously typed.

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

I've been using the comment space on video lectures as a stand-in for class discussions and it's been pretty great. One way to make it even better would be to provide a full-text editor so students ca...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Current Limitation:  Currently, Canvas does not allow admins and instructors to weight (i.e. change the percentage of the assignment group) in separate course sections. The current solution is for adm...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

In Classic Quizzes, when taking an exam, the time remaining is in this format: XX Years, XX Months, XX Days, XX Hours, XX Minutes, XX Seconds. However, in New Quizzes, it only shows hours, minutes, an...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

In the history of quizzes, when a teacher creates a quiz with multiple attempts, they usually set which score to keep (highest, latest, average). However, students will not be aware of this until they...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

As an admin, I am often copying courses within Canvas. Whenever I copy a course, I am automatically enrolled as a teacher in the course which can become irritating. I do not need to be a teacher in th...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Currently the permission for editing grades gives graders the right to also post grades. This means that different tutors (per section or group) can post grades earlier than others. It should be possi...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

It would help save time, and make grading easier, if insights could be separated by course sections.

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

When we assign students a peer review in canvas, they do not have access to the speedgrader. What they end up with is a slightly clunky assortment of pop-out windows for viewing/annotating and the rub...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 14 Replies

The idea: Our students (higher education: BA, MBA) have recently raised the following feedback: "discussions are disorganised. There is a mix of posts from the LEX team (student support), academics (t...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

Adding people individually to sections is cumbersome when dividing large classes into multiple sections. Doing this in batch way simplifies this task. Note: this has been suggested earlier but I like ...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

Thank you for implementing  and

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 11 Replies

tl;dr Need to be able to move Studio videos to Collections after using the Search.   The new Studio Collections (also How do I create a collection in Canvas Studio? and How do I view a collection in C...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

Hi everyone,   We would like the ability to have the Days to Complete option removed from a student enrollment in a Canvas course if the Days to Complete option is removed from a Listing in Canvas Cat...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Hi everyone,   As admins of Canvas Catalog, we would like the ability to receive a notification that provides information on when a cap for a course has been reached and also that Canvas Catalog will ...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta •  How do I access the Canvas beta environment? For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2023-10-21)  I created a series ...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 37 Replies

To increase Catalog Completions for self-paced courses and other Catalog listed courses, we would like Catalog to have an option to email automatic reminders to enrolled users that have not "completed...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies