Canvas Ideas

Ideas are submissions from Community users. Instructure reviews these ideas weekly.

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1677 Ideas in: Open

Hi! In the new quizzes platform, essay question types have the ability to add grading notes, however, file upload question types don't. Can file upload question types also have the ability to add grad...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

All courses provisioned have the Discussion settings > Allow students to "create discussion topics". We would like it set to NO (un checked) that students can NOT create discussion topics...but facult...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

It is easy to assign an assignment to select students. However, rather than just show "everyone" on assignments, it would be great if it could list all students in the course with a check box next to ...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 28 Replies

All sections are currently visible to all students in places such as the Inbox. This means we cannot use sections for students with additional needs as their status is confidential. So, for elements l...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 8 Replies

It would be extremely helpful if teachers could set various course navigation options with view/no view access for observers. One example would be Zoom integration. The teacher likely wants students t...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

 Afeature notifying users that have either downloaded a course or favorited one that an update has been made to it.  maybe a push notification of the option to push update or an actual push of new con...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 11 Replies

When grading in the Teacher App for Canvas, the grade slider only has whole number increments. It would be useful to have other decimal value available, such as .25, .5 and .75. Idea originates from V...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

Our university used Moodle for many years, and faculty were able to limit the number of files each student could upload for an assignment. This was useful so that each student would upload the same nu...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 13 Replies

When pulling up a User's profile from the Admin view, it's a pain to figure out which courses they're enrolled in this term, because the list is only sorted alphabetically, not by Term or by which cou...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 20 Replies

In Assignments, once "edit assignment dates" is selected, more than one assignment can be selected and "Batch Edit" can be used. However, Batch Edit can only be used to 1) remove or 2) shift dates. Wh...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 20 Replies

Hi   I put forward the request to add a trash folder as part of the Canvas inbox system.

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

I know we all LOVE  LOVE  LOVE  the "Message Students Who" feature from the Gradebook.    The one filter that doesn't seem right to me is the "Haven't been graded" option, because it includes the "Stu...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 16 Replies

There are some assignments that I manually enter grades for if it is submitted on paper in class. It would be nice to have a hot key option when entering grades for late, missing and excused work. Cur...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 59 Replies

Working at the Elementary level, having all of the old work and assignments displayed on the module page will just become more and more difficult for students to navigate to find their current assignm...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Hi Canvas community,   I'd like to share an idea that would really benefit us and the way we use Canvas. We use and abuse sub-accounts as we work with different university partners. You'll see in the ...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

For Online Assignment => Media Recording Submission  -- have the ability to put a time limit for the recordings submitted by students.   This came up during our Canvas Bootcamp, and we have a LOT of E...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 27 Replies

Canvas provides a great feature to create a syllabus in a course. We generally encourage our instructors to create their content in the RCE (HTML) so that it is more accessible and usable than a PDF f...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 11 Replies

In most contexts, when a file such as a Word document or PDF is linked in Canvas, a preview button is added alongside the filename, which allows the user to preview the file in-line without downloadin...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 35 Replies

Upon image upload, the alt-text associated with that image is entered. If the image is uploaded in My Files, and alt-text is associated with the image, that alt-text would be the default alt-text anyw...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 13 Replies

Currently if an admin or media department want to upload a video on behalf of someone else, they must either 1) Act as that user, or 2) Upload to their own Studio account, share the video, and then te...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies