video access on student mobile app

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A student cannot access videos in the course when using the app on their phone. When they click on the video, they get looped back to the log-in page for Canvas. 

I've seen this before. Generally, after a student has clicked on the "Panopto Video" link on their computer, they are able to access videos via their phone as well.
This is a strange sequence of steps - students have to do it in all their courses each quarter in order to access videos.

Does anyone else experience this? Seems like a bug worth fixing.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @Julius_Rodrigue 

Is it just the one student? Do they have the same issue when they are using Canvas on a browser or another device? I would have them clear the cache on the device. 

If those options don't fix it, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution: 

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