Access Code for Quizzes

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I had a student who took a quiz (which was to be given in class the following day) at home the night before. The quiz had an access code. When I talked to him, he claimed that there was none. Is it possible that there was a glitch during which the quiz was accessible without an access code, as this student claimed? I had copied that quiz from one of my courses from last year so it came with an access code. Before disciplinary actions are taken against this student, I want to be absolutely beyond doubts that he had likely guessed the access code (which was admittedly fairly easy to guess) to gain early access to the quiz.

Please advise. Much appreciated. Thanks!

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @nhan_ti_7 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with access codes.  If  you  had an access code  on  a quiz and it was required, yes the students need to  enter that code before being able to  take the quiz. However, we'd need to look at specifics of the assignment. When you  imported it over, did you confirm the access code was still on it? There's nothing a student can do to "overwrite" and get into a quiz with a code if they don't have it. What edits were made to the quiz before/after the students started taking it? You will likely want to speak with Canvas Support if you want to get to the bottom of what happened.

Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution: 

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