Hi @ian10 ,
I'm not comfortable with the idea of having a tightly structured Canvas environment then linking through into a common gateway to Teams, which can also be accessed separately. I would have been happier to see Teams depolyed within Canvas so it was constrained by the Canvas permssions, and so that it worked in harness with Canvas (from the point of analytics data) rather than in competition.
The evolved approach that we are seeing some adoption for is that the Teams link is nested inside a Canvas discussion, which then has a due date set to the start of the session. If there are multiple sessions set using the same link, the discussion is duplicated for each event
example below.
Your Online Tutorial will be take place at the time shown.
Please use the link below to join the Teams session (this will be available/ will not be available as an embedded link afterwards).
Please use the discussion thread below to post questions or observations/responses to the session.
TEAMS LINK GOES HERE (Replace with embed if/when a session recording becomes available)
Why use the Discussion approach ?
- We need to make each TEAMS session more identifiably part of the published weekly/topic module structure presented in Canvas, to improve the logic for students and to ensure that we are using the Canvas Calendar and other functionality
- Discussions allow us to set the link to different parts of the cohort whilst still using the same link, such as Monday Group and Tuesday Group, or September starters and January starters
- By adding a 'To Do' date to the discussion (at the same time that the Teams session will start) this will appear
- In the Canvas Calendar (also included in the Home Page Calendar Summary for students)
- On the Canvas 'To Do' list
- On the Course (module) Activity Stream
- On the bottom of the Syllabus page
- Clearly labelled discussions are more straightforwards to find and update than different approaches used by different teams - we have seen old students joining new TEAMS deliveries, and vice versa
- The recorded session can be presented as an embed later
Keeping the process efficient
Please move this exemplar TEAMS Discussion to the week that your first session takes place (drag and drop or three dots > move item)
- Update the title to something appropriate - include the week or topic, time and date, which will show in the modules page and anywhere else
- Update the text content and provide the teams link
- Remove this table
- Use the 'Add to Student 'To Do' list function to add the date and time that the session starts
- If required add a sub-selection of students where separate sessions are being run in 'Assign To'
- Don't use 'Available From' or 'Available To'
- Publish
To save time and effort, use the three dots > Duplicate to create a copy of the updated discussion
- Repeat the process above to tweak the date and time
A set of screenshot instructions for this process is included in SE-LTS on this page (add page here)