Are the only color options in a rubric red and green?

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I use rubrics for all of my assignments. There are two ratings: "Complete" and "Progressing." If a student gets a "Complete," a green line shows up on the rubric. If a student gets a "Progressing," a red line appears.

More than 10 percent of the population is red-green colorblind. Is there a way to visually show that a student received or didn't receive a "Complete" without using red and green?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @ShaDowOak - 

With two rating levels only the dark green and red colors are used. With three or more rating levels the middle rating choice options appear with a lighter perhaps lime green color. The example you shared does have the rating depicted in text.  Another method is to use a point value. But no, there isn't a way for instructors to edit the colors used in the rubrics.

Here I am linking to prior discussions and ideas on this topic in case you have interest in reading them. Several posts disfavor use of the color red.


Thank you for posting!  ~ Jeff

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