Assignment Name too long?

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Often when I try to create & save my assignments, Canvas tells me the name of my assignment is too long and does not allow me to save or publish it. I feel like some of my titles are not that long (ie, three longer words or 36 characters) and I need more characters to differentiate my assignments. Is there a workaround for this? Or what is the maximum number of characters allowed?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PChen3,

As far as I know, in a hosted Canvas environment, an assignment can be 254 characters long.  I'll paste a screenshot here showing this.  If your environment is not allowing titles even near this length, it may be some sort of server configuration issue or restriction put in place by your institution for some reason (maybe a maximum length your student information system will accept if assignments and grades are synced to that system).

Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 7.20.56 PM.png


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