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I run a Culinary school, and we've switched to Canvas this year.  

I typically use attendance/participation as a large portion of each students grade, as we are primarily teaching hands on principles, with limited canvas based assignments.  

Is there a way to attach a 10 point grade per day of attendance, that can be reduced for various reasons;  tardiness, not showing up in proper uniform, leaving early, not participating, not cleaning, etc?

This is the way I've handled it in the past, basically just on a spreadsheet in excel, and input that grade every week or so into the grading platform we've used in the past.

any ideas or suggestions?


Chef Bert

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Community Coach

@ChefBert Welcome!

Not sure if you have this available but have you tried the Roll Call Attendance Tool? If it's not available in your Canvas instance, contact your Canvas Admin for help with getting the tool enabled. Hope this helps!

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Hi @ChefBert,

Just to expand on @melodyc_lam's response a bit here...  Roll Call Attendance would be the closest tool to your needs that Canvas provides.  The only thing it doesn't quite have, based on your needs, is the ability to deduct points for things other than being late.  The guide Melody shared does describe how you can create badges, which could be used to track this, you'd just have to mark the students as late to deduct the points and be aware that everyone would need to have the same point deduction for any of the possible categories of things they'd get deducted points for doing.

Hope this helps!


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