Bulk Course assignment to user

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Is there a way to enroll a user in multiple courses in bulk? I have to assign advisors to courses and one advisor has 15 courses so wondering if there is a better way to do this than individually enrolling her in each course.

Thank you!

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Do you have a Canvas Admin at your institution?  If so, they should have rights to upload a CSV file to the SIS Import area of The Admin area.  That CSV file will need the Course IDs for each of the courses, and the Instructor's User ID info, to enroll them with Teacher role in all those courses.

Here is more info:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-import-SIS-data-to-a-Canvas-account/ta-p/98

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Community Contributor

Are you an account admin in Canvas, or enrolled in the 15 courses already? If you are you can use API calls - https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/enrollments.html#method.enrollments_api.create
Other than that, you'll just have to add them as you go. You can add multiple people at the same time to one course using their login.

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