Can you validate the results of an equation?

Community Novice

In a quiz about gcd, I'd like the students to come up with the factors in Bezout's identity. Namely, for a and b in N, there exist n and m in Z such that an + bm = gcd(a,b). 

For the quiz, I would like to give the students a and b (say, 11 and 17) and ask them to find n and m such that 11n + 17m = 1. Is there a way in a Canvas quiz for the students to enter n and m and have canvas check that it is equal to 1? And if it is, give full credit? 

How do I do that? The "formula" questions ask the student to evaluate and return the value of the formula for some variable x, but not to  evaluate a formula with the inputs n and m.

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