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For my failing students I need to enter a last day of participation in a course when I enter their failing grade.  There is in-class attendance and there are also online assignments. I need an actual significant participation, not just a log in - but...

  • 5 Replies

I have added content to the Pages, but it is showing the student visibility icon as marked out along with the message "no content, not visible to students". Please help.

  • 1 Replies

Hello,Where can I find my textbook online in canvas? I have used Red shelf in the past but I don't see that as an option. Could it be under something else? 

  • 1 Replies

#1--It is impossible to find the thread for this issue, so if you are Canvas responding, please attach a link to the thread.  #2--This has to stop!  Teachers should NOT have to defend when Canvas is incorrectly marking "collected" in PowerSchool when...

  • 1 Replies

Can't save changes until I finish registration process, but I am lacking lacking email in my inbox

  • 1 Replies

I'm feeling dumb asking this question, but I only ever used this functionality at the end of a course to see a student's last attendance/participation as required for my final grade entries. I used to be able to find (usually with a small amount of s...

  • 5 Replies

Hi,    May I please speak with the sales? I would like to buy a license for using Canvas Catalog and will need it asap to sell my course. I've tried many times to contact them, no answer.   Thanks,   Audrey

  • 3 Replies

Is it just me or are more people having problems with the embed button in the RCE? You push the cloud, enter the code, save, and the code will appear in the regular texteditor. After saving you see the code as text, but not the thing I wanted to embe...

  • 4 Replies

How can I view the whole class gradebook?  I am not able to scroll down to the last student in the class of 24.  I have to zoom out so much that I cannot even read the gradebook.

  • 5 Replies

I have accepted the code of conduct.  However my screen does not display any dashboard, theres also no materials uploaded in the modules.

  • 1 Replies

In my large (120-ish) 100-level undergraduate class, I assign about 20-25 homework assignments that I set up in Canvas Quizzes.I have set up the quizzes to allow multiple attempts, keeping the highest scores. Indeed, they are not just "open-book," I ...

  • 15 Replies

Hello all, I am a student currently stressing about midterms and final project submissions which was not help by an incompatibility with the Firefox update released just this last week.Multiple pages including "Files" and "Assignments" just won't loa...

  • 3 Replies

How do I assign a quiz to different classes without putting individual names in.  I teach 7 different classes, I don't want to have to put in the names in quizes everytime.  Thanks

  • 1 Replies

So I've been teaching the same course for several years and I'm beginning to notice that assignments from previous Canvas courses are porting over to my current course without me having imported them in any way. Consequently, students are occasionall...

  • 4 Replies

I came here to suggest a feature (batch edit add ability to set specific dates for all selected tasks at once, not just shift or remove them), and as per the system requests I had a look at similar requests already made. I found my exact idea, articu...

  • 4 Replies

When downloading the assignment that a student has uploaded (1 page with images/diagrams) to Assignments. It has the images moved down and the format has changed? Can this be changed or is there a work around to ensure that the downloaded file is in ...

  • 3 Replies

Are there any colleges out there that are using third party event management tools to create and manage groups and events that integrate with the Canvas calendar?  We tested creating groups and events with what is available in Canvas, and we discover...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Hello,I have a question regarding self-paced courses. My organization is using Canvas a little differently than a traditional college would. We are leaving self-paced courses open without an end date because we have students taking the courses at dif...

  • 1 Replies

I had students submit an essay using Google Docs through the Google LTI 1.3 external tool. I posted feedback in the "Overall Feedback" box for them to better understand their grade. Some got the feedback in an email, but some of my students can't see...

  • 3 Replies

On my assignment page, I clicked "Everyone" for who could see the assignment.  However, there are a couple of students that have submitted work early for which I graded and gave feedback.  They went in, opened up the assignment and then gave answers ...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, Currently, in Discussions Redesign, if an instructor selects settings, such as Expand Threads, some or all of their preferences return to the default settings upon leaving or refreshing the page. It is inefficient to have to reselect preferred...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

I have used the built in tool to change all missing assignments to zero grades, however, the assignments that are made through external tools are not showing as missing and therefore not automatically graded with a zero. Does anyone know how to fix t...

  • 1 Replies

I have "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" checked for all my classes. Last night, the missing tag and score of 0 did not automatically enter at end of day for 4/5 of my classes for the assignment we did yesterday. It worked for 1/5 c...

  • 1 Replies

Hi! Is it possible to configure by course designer through course settings which specific notifications students can receive? Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

The teacher doesn't see the course in her dashboard. I was able to find in in the past enrollments for her. There is a note in the teacher's profile that the course was completed yesterday, I guess that's the reason it moved to the past enrollment an...

  • 2 Replies

Canvas- is there a way to run a grade report from Canvas?  I am interested in seeing which students currently have a 72 or below in any class.

  • 6 Replies

Is there a way to work out the total file size of a course including any videos that have been added through Studio?  This doesn't need to include any files uploaded by students. I can get the 'files uploaded to course' size but this doesn't include ...

  • 8 Replies

Hi, I would like to sell my course on Canvas Catalog. May I please have more information about it and knowing more about the price? I've tried to reach the sale's team, but no answer. Thank you very much,  Audrey 

  • 6 Replies

Hi everyone,I am trying to solve the following problem. Say I have created a random variable x, which I display to the student using [x] in the Canvas formula question. I know how to do this. How can I then display to the student the value x+5? If I ...

  • 8 Replies

Hi, I have been checking the settings if there is a way to enable or disable the Student Interaction Report option when accessed through 'People' in a course as it is not showing on my end. Please see attached screenshot below.    I am able to access...

  • 2 Replies