Canvas Student deletion/removal

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hi, we are still relatively new to Canvas, we are wondering what the best way is to delete students who have left the college? (we have a few thousand students to delete)

- Im guessing bulk SIS import deletion, would anyone have a template for that or advice?



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2 Solutions
Community Champion

Hi, so far we haven't deleted any students, since we need to keep the educational records.  Did these students you want to delete not do work in any Canvas courses?  Our system does not add them unless they are enrolled in a course.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @vincent_doherty,

I came across this question while doing a community cleanup.  As a Canvas admin myself, I would second @Nancy_Webb_CCSF's statement about deleting users being unnecessary.  We do allow students to go back and see their old course content, so we wouldn't want to delete users anyways, but this has never been a problem.  As a caveat, I'd always advice checking with your Canvas CSM about your contract details to make sure there are no hard user limits or anything in your agreement, but as of the time I'm writing this post, I think that would be a pretty unusual contract clause.


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