[ARCHIVED] Canvas Use Proficiency Scale

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This document is intended to help support teachers in their adoption and use of Canvas. It has space for "observed use/ideas for future use" so this can be used as an observational support tool. Please help improve this document!



Teacher Goal(s)

General Canvas UseUse for assignments and gradesUse to communicate with students, receive feedback (assignment submission, formative assessment, etc.), and deliver contentUse to deliver and expand instruction, increase variability in assessment, and differentiate instructionUse to allow independent and collaborative learning
Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
QuizzesQuiz to assess learning, view student performance (summative assessment)Quiz, show performance and discuss with students - assessment for learning - use it to form instruction (formative assessment) - use various forms of questions in a quiz - quizzes have images/videos/graphs/etc.Quiz banks allowing multiple attempts with consistently varied questionsStudent generated questions, levels of question difficulty for question sequencing using banks
Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
ModulesOrganize assignments through grouping that makes sense for class (by topic, by unit, etc.)Incorporate pages, external links, and files to disseminate course content/info.Using modules to organize class content, serves as backup for absent students (blended learning)Use modules to offer students remediation and advanced students support for extended, self directed learning (online learning)
Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
AssignmentsDeliver homework to studentsStudents submit assignment through Canvas, teacher uses Speed Grader for feedbackUsing structures to insure accountability, using group assignments to coordinate larger projectsUsing structures to insure accountability, using assignments to facilitate group work, peer review and/or ePortfolios
Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
PagesHave a welcome page

Uses Pages to provide content and share resources and files

Use pages to offer students remediation and advanced students support for extended, self directed learning

Pages offer absent students material or learning activities missed

Students create content pages from classroom learning

Students assemble resources on pages to complement teacher instruction

Students create pages based on their own self-directed and/or collaborative learning that helps the class by offering new frontiers of learning within the discipline or linked to other disciplines

Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
DiscussionsStudents respond to question posed by teacher with little to no peer interactionDiscussion posts guided for content quality and incorporates peer review/responseStudents use group discussion to continue learning outside of class,Discussions used to generate new inquiry, contribute to collaborative groupings, develop independent learning
Observed Use/Ideas for Future Use:
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