Canvas quiz response types and third party apps

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Does anyone know of any third-party Canvas apps that can extend the type and scope of question types (and response types) for new or classic quizzes?

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Community Coach

Hi @craig_anderson1,

As a Canvas admin with at least some developer knowledge, I don't think the functionality you're asking about is really possible.  Canvas is very flexible and follows the 1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard for 3rd party apps (and technically New Quizzes is actually an external app integrated with this standard).  This means 3rd parties can make their own apps and integrate them with Canvas through things like Assignments and the course Navigation menu.  What the standard doesn't really allow for is extending functionality of built-in features. Someone could develop their own entire new quizzing system and integrate it this way, but couldn't really add another quiz question type or change options within the current types.

Hope this helps a bit!


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