Changing points possible for individual students

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Is it possible to change the number of points possible for individual students?

For instance, I have an assignment that students make progress on throughout the term, and I update the points possible each week - eventually the assignment is worth 40 points. But let's say a student joins my class nearly halfway through the term and I want to have his score be out of 25 points. Is there a way to do this - have his score be out of 25 while the others are out of 40?


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Mr_Z,

The only way I know of to do that would be to give the separate student(s) their own copy of the assignment assigned just to them and excuse them from the one for the whole class.  If there are a lot of students with different exceptions or a lot of assignments like this, it could cause quite a messy gradebook, but I don't know of any other way to do anything like this in Canvas.

Hope this helps a bit!


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