@SusanNiemeyer ...
Just a quick note of clarification... technically, assignment names can be identical ... as in this example from my own sandbox course:

I duplicated the top "Bacon Ipsum" assignment, and it created a copy called "Bacon Ipsum Copy 2". Then, I removed the "Copy 2" wording from the second assignment, and Canvas accepts both assignments with the same name. I can hover over the assignment name text to see the URLs at the bottom of my browser, and each assignment has a unique assignment ID number. (The "Pages" page of a Canvas course does not allow for duplicate content page names...as it appends a -2, -3, etc. after any duplicate page names.)
I completely agree with you, though, that it is very helpful to have different assignment names in order to help distinguish where assignments should be placed in modules. Your suggestion of "Week 1 Journal", "Week 2 Journal", etc. is a good one, and I did similar things in my former role as a Canvas administrator when I built courses for instructors, and they had similar assignment names throughout the entire course.
Hope this helps.