Countdown On Tests

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I'm submitting this ticket because I just took a test and in the last couple (10 or so) seconds the test prompted me that it was about to be turned in and I even believe one of the main options was to just turn it in immediately as opposed to continue working until it is automatically submitted and I do not understand the intent behind this feature. If you do in fact want to turn it in you are able to via the regular submit button and if this is instead a way of notifying the test taker on the remaining time then you already have a notification that tells you of the remaining time in the case you do not want to turn it in and need those last couple seconds this massive UI takes up you screen in the last couple seconds and causes you to panic. I apologize if any of this comes across the wrong way it just really frustrated me and I can imagine it has frustrated a few other people before. 

Thank you, Julian

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @JulianMurphy ...

Sorry to read about the issues you were having with your test in your course.  You've posted your question in the global Canvas Community website ... which is completely different than submitting a ticket to the Canvas Help Desk staff.  Posting your question here does not generate a ticket of any kind.  That being said, based on your posting, your instructor is the one who has configured the time settings for your test.  You should ultimately get in contact with your instructor about the test.  But, I wanted to also give you some written documentation geared towards students for quizzes:

If you still have questions, you can also contact the Canvas Help Desk staff ... and they may be able to look at the settings that your instructor has configured for the test you have taken.  How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

Good luck to you!

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