Course Role Calendar Permission Limited by Section

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At our institution we have many student cohorts completing the same course.

We assign each cohort and their teacher to a separate section within a course to limit the number of courses needing to be created/managed, and to keep the course experience as similar as possible.

We would like for the teacher in each section to be able to set calendar events (used for reminders of assignment due dates, etc) for just their section only.

It looks to be the case that when you give the teacher role the following permission.

Course Calendar - add / edit / delete

They can create a calendar event and set due dates for specific sections, however it relies on them being very careful when creating the event not to select the wrong section. A teacher has recently made a msitake here causing confusion with students who were not expecting an assignment due date.


Can calendar permission be set more granularly to just apply to the sections the user is limited to?

Is there another way to set due dates for assignments for only users in a specific section within a course?


Appreciate any advice.


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @DougWalker,

As far as I know, calendar events are really attached more to a course shell than an individual section within that shell, which I think is causing some of the issue.  With that said, how you enroll the teacher(s) also comes into play here.  If you choose the option to limit the enrollment to other users in the section, then the teacher will not be able to set things for sections that are not theirs (sections belonging to others would be grayed out, see screenshot).

Do you think this could work for you, even if it may require a modification to how users are enrolled?


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