How do you create due dates for readings like assignments have due dates in Canvas

Community Member

Someone asked  in the new features area to be able to create due data for readings like assignments have due dates.

There is a work around to do this by making a reading an ungraded assignment. This will add the reading with a due date to the calendar and add it to the list of due assignments.

Answer: Make a Canvas reading file, like a pdf, an ungraded assignment.  (Below is how to do a hard copy reading.)

1. Create a new assignment.  Call it the name of the reading.

2. Insert the link to the reading, i.e., the pdf link, in the assignment description area.

3. Make assignment 0 points

4. Make Display Grade as Not Graded.

5. Set Due Date.

6. Save and Publish 

Now you can insert the assignment into Modules or into Pages.

The reading assignment will now be listed in the calendar as due by the due date.

The one downside is that to get to the reading students need to use two clicks: one to get inside the assignment and another click to get to the reading.


To add a due date to a hard copy reading that is not a link: if the reading is not a link but a hard copy, just put the description of the reading assignment, title, page numbers, etc., into the assignment description.


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