Editing Assignment Group Weighting

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Good day.

I am having a issue with canvas.

I am trying to edit the percentage assigned to the Assignment Group but keep getting the message shown below:

Assignment group weights can't be edited because there are assignments in one of the groups whose due dates are closed.

How do I work around this issue? I need to assign a 50% to the Assignment group.

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3 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @ClydeGutzmore  - I found a solution for this posted back in 2020.


If the instructor is seeing that error, they may have copied content with past dates still attached rather than clearing them. Have her view all assignments on a single page and double-check the availability dates. How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor? 


Reference: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Archived-Questions/ARCHIVED-Cannot-assign-weight-to-assignments/m... 


All set?

Best, Jeff

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ClydeGutzmore,

As suggested by @Jeff_F, check the dates in your course. There are two other common ways of looking at dates.

  1. check your course calendar (in my opinion, the easiest way to view a specific course's calendar is from the "Home" area of the course and then clicking on the "View Calendar" link -- make sure to go back in the past to see if there are any items with previous dates)
  2. go to the "Syllabus" area of the course and review the "Course Summary" area (check out How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor? and both the "View Course Summary" section and the "Edit Syllabus" section if "Course Summary" area is hidden)

Let us know if you need anything else.



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Community Contributor

@ClydeGutzmore it may be worth checking with your senior Canvas admin - it is possible that they may be able to edit the settings on your behalf without being constrained by the 'sanity checks' - however the checks are there for a reason, and you would need to then sense check the existing calculations for unexpected behaviours - if you have a test environment that would be the best way to check this out.

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