Enroll Austin and Test Scores

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Enroll Austin requires Test Scores documentation. Unfortunately it's not clear exactly what this is and where to find it. The Student Documentation (in AISD Blend) only includes report cards, progress report, and fitness gram. It's a bit stressful since we are applying to the MacCallum Fine Arts Academy and that requires submitting this by Jan 20. Thanks for any help!

Chris Murdock

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Hi @ChrisMurdock1,

You may not realize this, but you posted your question to the global community of Instructure product users.  While people here can answer a lot of questions about Canvas and other Instructure products, it's almost impossible for us to answer questions about the admission/application process for a specific school or institution.  I would recommend reaching out to someone at Enroll Austin directly so they can hopefully get your question answered in a quick and accurate manner.

Hope this helps a bit!


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