Enrollment Issue

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After multiple attempts to enroll a certain student, I continually receive the below ERROR CODE and I am not allowed to enroll the student:



The following users could not be created.

EMAIL OF STUDENT: The email address provided conflicts with an existing user's email that is awaiting verification. Please add the user by either SIS ID or Login ID.


Any ideas or assistance greatly appreciated. Rick

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RichardPearson 

The error message indicates that the student has already been added to a class using that email address, but they have not actually confirmed with Canvas that the address is correct.  They cannot be added to any more classes using the email address until they confirm that the email address is correct.

However, they can be added using their Login ID, which is normally the same as the email address iff you are using the "Free for Teachers" Canvas.

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