Error in the weighted average for outcome calculations

Community Coach
Community Coach

Our teachers have discovered what appears to be an error in the weighted average for outcome calculations. We were expecting the "most recent" outcome to be selected according to the assignment due date but it appears to be ordering each students' outcomes according to those most recently *edited*, rather than by the due date of the assignment in which they feature, in order to do the weighted average. This is causing us a major headache in calculating grades (due on Monday!) because it appears the only way to fix this is to go student by student, outcome by outcome, and re-order every single assignment on those outcomes so that the correct (most recently dated) assignment is listed first. This is a very laborious and slow process! Also, because of how we grade/assess students, this is something that we will have to keep fixing regularly throughout the year, but at the moment we are unable to even tell students what their grade is (we need time to fix this, and our grading quarter ends on Monday.) Is there an easier way to make the outcomes average use the due date for the assignment assessing those outcomes to determine the "most recent" score? 

We have submitted a ticket with support but wondering if anyone else has experienced this?  Thank you!


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