Explain the closed eye icon.

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Please explain how to open the closed eye icon.






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1 Solution
Community Champion

@DebraBelt -

There are 2 reasons that you may see the closed eye icon in the navigation link (you did not mention if you were referring to the navigation link or assignments in the grade book).  First, the item in the navigation link list is not active( hidden from users  and only the instructor can see it with the closed eye icon).  The other is that the item is in the viewable area of the navigation link, but nothing is posted/published in it yet (this applies to modules, assignments, quizzes).  Once something is posted in those areas, the closed eye icon will go away.

Now if you are referring to assignments in the gradebook, then manual grading has been turned on for the assignment and assignments have been graded but not published.  Or grades were present and the grades were hidden from the students.

for more information, here is the link to the instructors manual which has sections for navigation, grades and other topics.  You will find it most useful and somewhat easy to navigate  - I say somewhat, because sometimes it is hard to figure out which manual page applies to your particular situation.

Here is the course navigation page

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