Feature Request: Default "Enter Grades as" for all assignments

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I tried for a while to request this in the proper spot for Feature Requests but could not do so. So, I was hoping to post it here, and someone would help it find its way to the Feature Requests ...

I use points when grading in my class. However, the default for all grades in the "Grade" sections seems to be percentages. So, for each assignment, I have to go through and adjust the "Enter Grades as" option to Points.

So, my feature request is that the instructor can set a default "Enter Grades as" for all assignments. If I want to use Points, all assignments are automatically switched to Points. If I change my mind and want to use Percentages, all assignments revert and are shown as Percentages. This is especially frustrating in large classes or classes with lots of assignments. 

Thank you!

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