Forum Finding Problems

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I'm having problems finding the forums for my class on Canvas.

The teacher has sent out multiple Emails referencing an introduction forum and a place to post different works, yet I can't seem to find the forums that are being mentioned.

Does anyone know common places I can find a listing of current or active forums in a class?

1 Solution

Hi @WillMeyers ...

It's entirely possible that your instructor has hidden the "Discussions" course navigation menu option found on the left side of your Canvas course.  Your instructor may only allow you to access discussion topics via the "Modules" which case, those items would have a small discussion icon next to the discussion name:

Screenshot 2023-08-28 092115.png

I am including a tutorial video for you.  This is a tutorial on how to use discussion topics.  I realize that the tutorial shows how to click on the "Discussions" course navigation menu button to access your topics, but again, your instructor may have hidden this button from you and your classmates.  You would then typically access those topics via your "Modules" screen...assuming that your instructor has added those topics properly to the "Modules" screen.

Discussions Overview (Students) 

Could the forums be closed for a set of time after the class starts?

Yes...your instructor can restrict the access dates that a certain discussion topic is available to you and your classmates.  Instructors can set "Available From" and "Until" dates if desired.

If you have other questions about those discussion topics, I suggest reaching out to your instructor directly...which you can do within Canvas:

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

I hope this will help!  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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