Gradebook auto-fill, solution needed

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Community Novice

Canvas gradebook has, in the past few days, started trying to auto-fill grades on the gradebook on Chrome. Another post ( determined that this was the Chrome extension trying to auto-fill addresses. While disabling that would solve the situation, it is not an actual solution, as I want Chrome to save addresses on other websites. Is there a reason Canvas gradebook has to treat forms this way? Especially as, until a couple days ago, it didn't?

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Can you use a different browser for the Canvas grade book? That would avoid the plug-in auto-filling grades.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @AndrewTodd,

I don't know of any Canvas changes that would have affected this behavior in the last few months, nor have I heard anything about this from faculty at the institution I'm an admin at.  This does seem like something very browser or add-on specific to me more than something with Canvas itself.  @RecycledElectro's suggestion of using a different browser for Canvas might be the easiest thing to do if you can't figure out how to get Chrome to behave the way you'd like anymore.

I know this isn't necessarily the best "solution" but since it's a possibility, I'm going to mark it as such for now.  Feel free to continue to give feedback and updates here though!


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