Having a submission to a specific google drive

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Is there a way for my students to submit an assignment through canvas and have it go to a specific folder in google drive? 

I tried doing the "Google Drive Cloud" assignment under "Submission Type" but I couldn't link a Folder. 


Thank you.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello, @TrevorOftedal. The Google Drive Cloud assignment follows a different path than the one you described. It takes a file in your Google Drive and creates a copy in each of your students' Google Drives when they select the link inside Canvas. When they submit their edited copy of that file it becomes a PDF file inside your Canvas course, where you can provide feedback via the SpeedGrader. That's the "folder" where those submissions end up. It's not the same as Google Classroom, where the teacher is added as an editor to a Google Drive file once the student submits it.

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