Help my timer wasn't working and submitted my test!

Community Novice

When I opened my exam the timer was not working and said "your attempt is due 11:59 p.m." and said NAN minutes Nan Seconds". Canvas support told me the exam was automatically submitted after 90 minutes even though I was still answering questions. They said it was due to losing connectivity prior to the exam. (there was no message during the exam saying the connection was lost).First, the exam was working fine except for the timer. Second, no warnings were given. Third, it never said exam submitted and it let me keep on working and submit it. My internet was never out or down the entire day or night. It is very reliable and the browser is fine too. This had to be some glitch on Canvas. It had nothing to do with my internet. Now my professor says I'm out of luck because it was my internet that caused it. Thanks Canvas. Smiley Sad