Hide Quiz in a Public Course

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Is there a way to hide a quiz in a module when the course is set to Institutional or Public? I have a division that has created a professional learning course and they want the content visible to everyone but staff may also opt-in for course credit. If they opt-in they are enrolled in the course and complete the assignments in each module.

When I test as an unenrolled user, I find that I still see the quizzes and the assignments in the module, which wouldn't be a huge concern except that when I use the next and last buttons to navigate through the module I get an error message when I get to the Quiz if I'm logged in to my Institution or I get redirected to our login screen if I'm viewing this as a Public course. This breaks the user's navigation through the module and you have to go back to the module screen and find your place in the content. I've tried assigning the quiz to a specific section. In a normal course, students who are not in that section would not see the assignments that are not assigned to them, but when viewed as Institutional or Public those aren't blocked. Is there some configuration I'm missing so that an unenrolled viewer can navigate through the content using Next or Previous buttons without getting the flow hung up on the Quiz they can't take? 

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@audra_agnelly ...

Maybe I'm missing something...but why not keep the folks who are viewing the course publicly and the folks who are enrolled in two separate Canvas courses (two separate course shells)?  While this would probably solve the issue you describe, I understand that it would be more work maintaining two separate courses.  Just my $0.02, but I'd like to hear more about your setup and the end goals...if you don't mind sharing.  Thanks...

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Hi @audra_agnelly ,

I have a couple of thoughts. One would be to remove all interactive content (Assignments, Quizzes, etc) from that module and place them in their own module and then create a "requirement" that unlocks that content. Only enrolled users would be given the information to unlock the second module (for example, a code that is the correct answer to a quiz, thus earning the points needed to unlock). The drawback is that enrolled users would still need to navigate back to where they left off in the content. Or you could create a custom button, which leads to my second suggestion:

Another option is to direct users to ignore the built-in previous and next buttons and create your own navigation buttons. For example, one button might say "Proceed to Quiz 1" while the other might say "Continue to next section," with each button linked to the appropriate course content. Such a design would of course take longer to create, but it would provide the precise navigation your users need.

I was thinking that Mastery Paths might also be an option, but I don't know how those work with Institutional or Public settings.

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