How can the Settings navigation link be disabled?

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Is there a wayt o disable the Settings navigation link? I don't want teachers to go inside these options and make changes. I have already restrictred many of what they can see and change in the Admin or there is a Role that doesn't have access to the Settings link but would have view of students, grades and other communication tools?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi, @daktari ...

The short answer is no. You are not able to hide the settings link, at least without custom JS, which I don't have much knowledge about. However if you are not looking to use any JavaScript or develop your theme file, then no, you're not able to disable it from teachers.

However, as an admin, you are able to prevent teachers from changing some specific features in their course settings, such as if students can or can't see the course before or after the start date, when the course starts and ends, and the course name and those details. It all depends on how you have things set up, though.

I hope this points you in the right direction, feel free to reach out with any additional questions!


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