How can you delete student work that is incorrectly uploaded to another student without admin rights?

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A student has had someone else's work uploaded to an assignment incorrectly and we are unable to delete it from it. How can this be deleted? Or how do we get admin access to be able to? Our user roles are teacher.

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

@BelindaYoung you would need to talk to your in house top level support about invoking the 'act as student' tool. This is very powerful and configured at institutional level.

If the due date has not passed the correct student can simply re-upload, so one option is to extend the due date/until date for the assignment.

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Hi @BelindaYoung,

I agree that @paul_fynn's solution would work if the student could resubmit (or if the teacher could submit on behalf of the student again).  In addition, if the wrong submission has personal/confidential/etc info and is a file, your school/institution can delete the file form the original submission so it wouldn't be available to anyone else.

Hope this helps!


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