How do I find out about plagiarism in Canvas assignments?

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Community Novice

I get noticed about plagiarism in terms of coloured (green, yellow, and red) marks in the gradebook columns of each assignment. Since these are not clickable, I don't know how to find WHAT is causing the different colours? Also, occasionally, there is an exclamation mark instead of the coloured mark. 

How do I get to the source of the plagiarism notices?


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @anstr,

I'm going to assume you're a teacher (if you're a student, let us know, since the process would be different)...

The report will generally be available through SpeedGrader.  There are a few different 3rd party plagiarism detection providers, but to my knowledge they integrate with Canvas similarly.  Here is a guide from Turnitin showing how to access the report.

Hope this helps!


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