How to Retrieve Deleted Quiz Data and Evaluation in Canvas?

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Has anyone encountered a situation where quiz data and the evaluation portion of a quiz were deleted by a teacher? How can I retrieve this information?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @AbdulKhadar,

I'm going to take a guess that in this case, the teacher may have changed the "assign to" settings for the quiz, setting it to only a specific section or set of students, which removed quiz results from other students.  If that is the case, restoring the "everyone else" assign-to follwoing theHow do I assign an assignment to everyone, individ... - Instructure Community - 1191 guide would restore the quiz results and grades of all of the students in the course.  If I'm incorrect about what happened here, please reply back and let us know some more details about the situation.

Hope this helps!


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