How to make a video file view-only (not downloadable)?

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Is it possible to make a video (.mp4) file viewable/watchable within Quercus, but not downloadable for students? For example, if the professor wants to make a recording of the lecture available for reference, but only within Quercus. Thank you!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @KayUT ...

Just so we are all on the same page, I believe that the University of Toronto calls their Canvas environment "Quercus" .. at least that's what I've been able to gather from these sites: your question...  have you tried using the media upload tool available in the RCE (Rich Content Editor) of Canvas?  Or, do you know if your University has paid for Canvas Studio?  (You'd see a "Studio" icon on the far left-hand global navigation menu in Canvas.)  Those would be two possible options where you could upload the *.mp4 video into your course and embed it on a content page.


Or, another option would be to upload the video to YouTube (you could set the video as "unlisted" so that the video isn't available to the entire world), then you could get the embed code from that YouTube video and put it into your course.

If you had Studio, you can add YouTube and/or Vimeo videos to your Studio library, and then you can embed those videos from your Studio library into yoru course.

Hopefully one of these options might work for your needs.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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