How to quickly filter out the students you're assigned on Gradebook?

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Typically on on our Canvas Courses we have anywhere up to 150 students enrolled. 

As a Personal Tutor I only need to access the assignment uploads of around 15 students.


Is there a quick way that I can view only my own Personal Tutees on Gradebook so that I can check their submissions?


Many Thanks


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @TessBaylis-Smit 

If your course is set up with groups, so that each Personal Tutor has their own group ( ), then you can filter the grade book to only view your own group.

Alternatively, if the course has multiple sections with each Personal tutor assigned to a section, you can also filter the grade book based on section.  (That would be less common for your situation, though--more often it's used when there is a lecture section and multiple lab sections combined in one Canvas course, with a TA for each lab section...)

There is information on applying filters to the grade book at 


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