Increasing size limit for importing Moodle files

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My supervisor and I have both tried to increase the limits for imported Moodle files in order to migrate a 1.35GB class to Canvas, but it's been to no avail. Can it be done? My supervisor is also the Canvas administrator of my institution, and I'm an administrator on Canvas as well. What do I do?


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JimBucher 

If you haven't already, make sure that the course quota for the course you're trying to import into is larger than the size of the Moodle file you're trying to import.

There used to be a hard limit (500Mb?) on the size of import files and we had to remove some large media files from import packages in order to import them, but I don't think that's still the case based on the document at 

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