Individual student grade override within group assignments

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I'm having students work in long-term groups over multiple assignments. The group assignment functions work great, except when one student flakes on the others. While usually I want everyone within one group to get the same grade, if one student doesn't do one component, but comes back to do group work on subsequent assignments, I need to be able to ovrerride that individual student's grade to account for the work that they missed but that their partners did not. Right now, it looks like I can't change one person's grade on a group assignment without also changing the others or without deleting the group entirely, along with all their submitted work.

Is there a way to individualize grades as needed within a group assignment?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JasonTucker,

The only way I know of to do this would be to use the "assign grades individually" option in the group assignment setup.  I'm not sure if you can change that setting after doing your normal group grading to just change one student or if it would revert a bunch of students to having no grade.  If this is a frequent issue, I'd probably recommend checking the option by default, even though it will create a bit more grading work for you.

Hope this helps a bit!


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