Is there a way to schedule email messages to the class?

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Is there a way to create email messages to the class and schedule them to go out at a later date?

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Community Coach

Hello @W0035122 ...

Just for clarification, Canvas does not really have e-mail.  There is the Canvas "Inbox", but that's not the same as regular e-mail.  The "Inbox" allows you to message fellow instructors and students that are enrolled in the same class(es) that you are within Canvas.  You can also receive message from those same people via the Canvas "Inbox".  However, you cannot send regular e-mail to friends and family via the "Inbox", and you cannot receive e-mails from friends and family via the Canvas "Inbox" because those friends and family are most likely not enrolled in the same courses that you are...or are not enrolled in any classes at your school like you are.  The "Inbox" is a way to communicate with others in your class...not those that are not taking the same courses you are.

To get to your question, there isn't a way to schedule a message in the Canvas Inbox so that it can be sent at a later date.  You may have to tackle that kind of thing using your regular e-mail client.  For example, if your school is as Microsoft school, then you might be able to do this via Microsoft Outlook.  Or, if your school is a Google school, then you might be able to do this via the Gmail client.

I hope this information will be helpful to you.  Good luck!

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